Private detective always means person with high qualification who has rich professional experience. Regarding long-term working in law enforcement such specialist can organize support simultaneously in several spheres: surveillance for family members, search for person and even client protection if the circumstances require.
It is either possible to resolve social, matrimonial as well as financial problems, and only by legal means. Detective services should be provided individually, basing upon personal experience and existing situation. Thus each case assumes employment for a long period.
Work specificity
Detective Agency Economic Security in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod provides full service range. DA Economic Security helps solving even the most difficult problems when law enforcement agencies stay powerless. We provide services in our city as well as throughout the country thus giving possibility to anyone to ask for advice and to get qualified support. Our clients are legal entities and individuals who need protection in different life spheres.

• Marital infidelity identification. This direction is one of in great-request because it gives opportunity or to verify the fidelity of the spouse or to break the cycle.
• People search. It is the best way to find missing relative or friend or even the debtor. There are numerous lists of reasons to hide. Regardless the reason it is imperatively recommended to take into account the fact of somebody’s missing in a proper time. It gives high opportunity to avoid unpredictable and unacceptable consequences.
• Search and detecting of listening devices is usually ordered by legal entities, public figures and businessmen. There are exceptions, but experienced professionals will quickly and easily find bugs and hidden video cameras which are potentially harmful for person or company.
• Surveillance. This service is provided all over Russian Federation. Surveillance within the boundaries of prevailing majority of the world countries is also possible. It gives possibility to gather all the necessary data regardless its type.
• Information collection. This service is popular among those persons or companies who intend to establish new business contacts. Carried out by the specialists such activity takes minimum time. Otherwise it needs a much longer period and does not guarantee completeness of found data. If your interest is in personal surveillance, the detective will find out and gather all possible data about the object.
• Lie detector allows to check out truthfulness of the interlocutor. This is perfect way to investigate the truth which gives no chances for betrayal. It also gives perfect possibilities for theft detection, detection of dishonest employees and even to carry out pre-employment verification. To deceive modern polygraph is almost impossible.
Each service means range of activities which often are responsibility of the whole team. All the activities are carried out only by experts in their field, so that manages to retain full confidentiality.
Individual decision for every individual case
Our customers’ needs are completely different and in prevailing majority they are unique and are not analogous to each other. Delicate situation requires impeccable craftsmanship. For being truly useful for our customers we solve each specific problem in individual way. Detailed study of the objectives, accuracy in tactics selection and introduction of original methods guarantees high efficiency of our detectives.
Detective Agency Economic Security is guarantor of your tranquility and life comfort in Moscow and in any city of Russian Federation.
Choosing Detective Agency Economic Security professional services you are guaranteed to expect that annoying problems will be effectively decomposed in a very short time. Our professionals have countless variety of means and methods of investigation, surveillance as well as variety of inspections. We try to serve on the highest professional level. Simultaneously we stand for innovative approaches and creativity. You will obtain all-round circumstantial data relevant to your questions. In case of necessity reviews will be supported by photo and video reports.
Justifying the trust of the clients, we do the best so that our professionalism has always remained on the proper level. We are on the first positions amongst Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod detective agencies. Impeccable reputation, efficient obligations fulfillment, full confidentiality of the facts and respect for the customer become the key to our popularity and guarantee for successful tasks solution. Referring to the Detective Agency Economic Security, you make decent choice in favor of professionalism, fruitful cooperation and affordable prices.
We are always prompt to assist you.